Zayn Baig

@imzaynbOr @baiza, or @baizaop, or @ba1za, or @baigel. I'm working on it :)

Hi there 👋
I am a Junior in High School with a passion for programming, and all things STEM.

I fell into a love for programming through the YouTube channels The Coding Train and CaryKH. From there, I followed my interest to game making with Python, then website building with JavaScript, then competitive programming with C++, then back to Python.

I'm heavily involved in STEM, both academically and extracurricularly: I am a part of my school's FRC Robotics team (Go FEDS!), founded my school's CS Club, and love to program recreationally!

Currently, I am getting building a stronger foundation through following Harvard's amazing C550 course (which actually inspired me to make this website!) before moving to Data Structures and Algorithms and Machine Learning!

Feel free to reach out to me at here and stay tuned for more updates!